How to Create a Text Drip Campaign for Business Marketing

How to Create a Text Drip Campaign for Business Marketing

Text drip campaigns require less effort and are a quick type of SMS marketing. It not only is a way to ensure your recipients receive consistent communication but also allows for the message to be reinforced. 

In this blog, learn more about text drip campaigns and how you can use them effectively for your business. 

Recap: What are text drip campaigns? 

Text drip campaigns are a series of automated and time-based SMS messages meant for targeted marketing. These messages are sent via specific triggers, like sign-ups or click-throughs. These messages are sent one at a time and are based on the actions of the recipients. 

How to create text drip campaigns? 

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating text drip campaigns. 

1.  Identify your target audience

Start by understanding your target audience. Know who you are trying to reach with your text drip campaign? Once you know who your target audience is, you can tailor your messages to their specific needs and interests.

2. Define your goal

Businesses should have clear answers about what results they are expecting from their text drip campaigns. They want to increase brand awareness, generate leads, or drive sales. Once businesses understand this, they will be able to redirect their efforts into the right direction resulting in the creation of relevant and targeted messaging in text drip campaigns. 

3. Segment your targets

Not all of your target audience is the same. Some people may be more interested in your products or services than others. You can segment your target audience based on their demographics, interests, or behavior. This will allow you to send more targeted and relevant messages.

4. Create a lead magnet

A lead magnet provides immediate value to the customers in exchange for their contact information. A lead magnet could be

  • E-books and Guides
  • Discount Codes
  • Quizzes and Assessments

Including lead magnets in your text drip campaigns not only creates positive first impressions but also makes your SMS marketing more valuable. 

5. Create targeted messages

Your text drip campaign messages should be targeted to your specific audience and their needs. Use clear and concise language, and make sure your messages are relevant to the recipient.

6. Personalize your messages 

People are more likely to respond to messages that are personalized to them. You can personalize your text drip campaign messages by using the recipient’s name, mentioning their interests, or offering them something specific that they would find valuable.

7. Set up your drip campaign 

Once you are finished creating a series of messages for text drip campaigns, the next step is to set up these messages. Using an SMS marketing tool like TxtCart, you either automate the sending process or schedule these messages to be sent as per your selected date and time. 

8. Track your results

Once your text drip campaign is up and running, you need to track your results. This will help you to see what is working and what is not. You can use this information to improve your campaign over time.

TxtCart gives you an easy-to-use reporting dashboard. You can view the current status of the campaign(s), the number of recipients it sent to as well as campaign-specific reply rate, CTR (click-through rate), revenue generated as well as approx ROI (Return on Investment).

Recommended read: How To Measure The Performance Of Your SMS Marketing Campaigns

Tips for effective text drip campaigns

Here are four significant tips to not miss out on making your text drip campaigns a success. 

1. Keep your message short and concise

SMS character limit is the key reason why you should keep your messages short. But also, try to wrap the value you intend to offer in your message as directly as possible. It will not only cater to the recipient’s short span but will show your recipients that you respect their time. 

For writing short messages, keep in mind to start with an engaging introductory line, and avoid excessive abbreviations in your message content. You can perform A/B testing with messages of varying lengths to identify which one works best for you. 

2. Provide value

Without value, no SMS is meaningful to any recipient. While creating text drip campaigns, make sure to include real and tangible value so that the message resonates with your target audience and triggers actions from the recipients. 

First, you need to understand your target audience’s needs, preferences, and pain points to identify what type of value you should include in your text drip campaigns. This will help you come up with a list of the most relevant and meaningful values. 

3. Be consistent with your messaging

Be consistent with your value messages. Set a regular schedule of communication for your drip campaigns. Be it sending messages bi-weekly, for discounts and sales notifications, or holiday wishes. Create a consistent bond with your target audience with meaningful messages. 

4. Use automation

Automation allows you to scale your drip campaigns by SMS segmentation, scheduling of messages, and trigger-based flows for marketing. Use SMS marketing tool for CRM integration and automation capabilities.


TxtCart offers scheduling and automation features to streamline your communication efforts. It also allows customer segmentation and personalization campaigns with behavioral data like past interactions, previous purchases, spending power, and more. 

With TxtCart Automation, you can automatically send the right message based on predefined trigger events. It also allows you to create action-based welcome series, post-purchase follow-up, and more.

Install the TxtCart app today and reach out to our team of experts for better results.  


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